Embarking on the Promotional Journey for APPPEXPO 2025!

Time:2024-03-08 Read:2 人

Fresh off the successful conclusion of APPPEXPO 2024, the organizing committee wasted no time and swiftly launched the promotional campaign for APPPEXPO 2025. With a strategic approach to garner widespread attention, the committee embarked on a promotional journey both domestically and internationally, targeting key markets to generate enthusiasm and anticipation for the upcoming event.


Domestic Promotion
In a bid to reach out to the vast domestic market, the promotional team set its sights on Zhengzhou, a thriving city in central China known for its burgeoning printing industry. Leveraging the bustling business landscape and receptive audience in Zhengzhou, the team aimed to engage local stakeholders, raise awareness about the significance of APPPEXPO 2025, and invite participation from printing professionals, industry experts, and potential exhibitors. The enthusiastic response from attendees underscored the effectiveness of the domestic promotional efforts and highlighted the keen interest in the upcoming event.


International Outreach
Recognizing the global appeal of APPPEXPO, the promotional journey extended beyond the borders of China to international markets, with a focus on Saudi Arabia. The enthusiastic reception from the Saudi Arabian audience underscored the growing interest in APPPEXPO on the global stage and laid the foundation for fruitful partnerships and engagements in the future.


The promotional journey for APPPEXPO 2025 yielded promising results, fueling anticipation and excitement for the upcoming event among industry professionals, exhibitors, and attendees. By leveraging a multi-faceted approach encompassing both domestic and international outreach, the organizing committee successfully expanded the reach of APPPEXPO and reinforced its position as a leading platform for the printing industry worldwide. As preparations for APPPEXPO 2025 gather momentum, the positive feedback and enthusiastic response garnered during the promotional journey serve as a testament to the event's continued relevance, significance, and appeal in shaping the future of the printing industry.


Contact Us
Shanghai Modern International Exhibition Co.,Ltd
15 / F, T3 Building, Greenland Bund Center, 55 Huiguan Street, Huangpu District, Shanghai
Contact Person:
Stella Shen
Contact Email:info@apppexpo.com
Shanghai Gray Exhibition Co., Ltd.
Rm407, No.1438 North Shanxi Rd., Shanghai, P.R.China
Contact Person:
Xavier Yu
Contact Email:xavier.yu@grayexpo.com
021-63288899    021-62994936
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